A man allowed his friend to pull out from his ear what could be considered as one of the biggest lumps of earwax one can ever see.
There have been videos uploaded online showing the grossest extractions of secretions from the human body. From boogers, black heads, and earwax. The internet is full of them.

In a video uploaded on youtube, a guy has allowed himself to be subjected to an earwax extraction procedure. This was administered by his friend after he complained to her that he was feeling an earache.
His friend immediately got a pair of tweezers and attempted to pull out the blockage of wax from his ear.
At first, his friend encountered minor difficulty in extracting the earwax. After several attempts, the friend was able to finally pull out a huge lump of earwax.
This quickly earned screams from the people watching the procedure as it was such a disgusting sight.
It should be noted that proper hygiene should always be maintained in order to avoid health hazards and problems in the future.
Watch the video below!
Were you grossed out with this video? Share with us your thoughts by posting them on the comments section.
Sources: Mirror / Youtube
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