Linggo, Hunyo 7, 2015

Cat lovers out there!!! Do you know they can be dangerous and you can go blind?

Psychologists and medical experts have recommended that having pets such as dogs, cats and other types of animals can help us cope with decreasing stress levels we acquire from our jobs in Australia as mining engineer or our jobs in New Zealand as IT professional. If you are someone who is in the sales and marketing as budgeting officer and financial strategist, these are also recommended for you. But there are times, they can be dangerous for your health as well. That is what happ

ened to this young American lady...

She is Janese Walters, from Ohio, USA - one of her eyes went blind after her pet cat licked her face. How? Read this article now!

Medical experts have discovered that her pet transmitted a rare disease called as cat scratch syndrome. The said disease can cause inflammation of the blood vessels and in this case, the saliva of her pet accidentally penetrated to her eye or skin - where she got the infection.

According to Walters:
"I woke up the next day and I could not see through my left eye. I thought I had conjunctivitis.

Medical experts and opthalmologists from the hospital where it was diagnosed, upon learning her eye infection, told her that she is suffering from cat scratch infection - a syndrom which is initialized when their pets transmit bacteria through their fur or saliva. In the worst cases, the cat scratch infection can impact the liver - which can cause the collapse of blood vessels in the eye. It is also an irreversible condition which can even cause more dangerous diseases such as meningitis.

Not a lot of people know that such condition can be transmitted by 40% of cats all over the world.

The said disease was said to be harmless for cats - but can really hit hard for humans if transmitted, according to Center for Disease Control.

If you are a cat lover, you should surely consider washing your hands after playing with them. Make sure they don't lick any part of your face or anything with cut, lesion or open wound. 

Walters have already accepted her condition and is very positive she can still live normally. She said: "I am lucky enough it didn't transmit to my other eye."

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